Test-case is:
My failed code is:
const decompress = require('decompress');
decompress('C:/Users/Admin/QA/cypress/downloads/test.zip', 'C:/Users/Admin/QA/cypress/downloads');
cy.readFile('C:/Users/Admin/QA/cypress/downloads/firstFile.c').then((fileContent) => {
const expectedContent = `some code to validate`;
Faced with an error:
(uncaught exception)TypeError: fs$readFile is not a function
The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress. It was caused by an unhandled promise rejection.
> fs$readFile is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your test code it will automatically fail the current test.
Where I did a mistake? Found the same idea of test https://github.com/MMCampos1703/unzipCypress but it also doesn't work
reinstalled cypress, updated dependencies, used ai to analyze code, searched the same errors
Of course, this should work, but please make sure that file path, and whether you use the function as Cypress task
Otherwise what we followed is we use a plugin there and we can get these extracted zip/war files.
dependency : extract-zip
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/extract-zip
So in our /cypress.config.js
const extract = require("extract-zip");
* Extract zip / war files using extract- zip npm dependency.
* @param {*} source directory where zip/war file is located.
* @param {*} target where to need extract the zipped / war file.
async function extractZip(source, target) {
try {
await extract(source, { dir: target });
} catch (err) {
console.log("Oops: extractZip failed.", err);
const zippedFiles = [];
const unzipFiles = async function (dirPath) {
const files = fs.readdirSync(dirPath);
await Promise.all(
files.map(async (file) => {
if (fs.statSync(dirPath + "/" + file).isDirectory()) {
await unzipFiles(dirPath + "/" + file);
} else {
const fullFilePath = path.join(dirPath, "/", file);
const zipFolderName = file.replace(".zip", "");
const warFolderName = file.replace(".war", "");
if (file.endsWith(".zip")) {
await extractZip(fullFilePath, path.join(dirPath, "/"));
await unzipFiles(path.join(dirPath, "/", zipFolderName));
if (file.endsWith(".war")) {
await extractZip(fullFilePath, path.join(dirPath, "/", warFolderName));
await unzipFiles(path.join(dirPath, "/", warFolderName));
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('task', {
* This plugin is used to extract zipped files.
* @param {*} dirPath The source, target directory where zipped files
extractZipFiles(zippedFilePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const OUTPUT_DIR = process.cwd() + zippedFilePath;
const source = process.cwd() + zippedFilePath;
const target = OUTPUT_DIR;
extractZip(source, target);
And how we use this, in the spec file this is how we use this
cy.task('extractZipFiles, '<zipFileLocation>');