I have a file, it looks like this:
Car-in-blue 4
Truck 100 5
Jeep-43 434 6
Machine 123 5
The last digits of a line is an integer number that should be inserted into an int variable. The names containing hyphens, spaces, and numbers should be inserted into a string variable.
It should be like this:
int a = 4
string name = "Car-in-blue"
int a = 5
string name = "Truck 100"
int a = 6
string name = "Jeep-43 434"
int a = 5
string name = "Machine 123"
I added a screenshot of the original problem, it's not in English, but that doesn't matter, that's how it looks in the problem:
Text version:
Cap-de-bour 4
Romania 100 10
Cap-de-bour 7
Cap-de-bour 4
Romania 100 5
Romania 100 5
Romania 100 5
CRACIUN 2018 15
Romania 100 10
Not the safest code but detailed and clear:
The most convenient way to do this for me (that would only work for this example) is to put these things into a string, and then sort through the string in reverse.
I don't know how you're getting the information to begin with, but if you need to grab it from a text file first do this code:
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream> //not sure if needed but I always include it
int main()
std::vector<string> lines;
std::string temp;
ifstream is("FILENAME.txt");
while (!is.eof()) //make sure it's not the end of the file (eof)
std::getline(is, temp); //get a line and toss it into "temp".
lines.push_back(temp);//create new entry in our vector.
Next to actually iterate:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> lines;
string temp_string;
ifstream is("FILENAME.txt");
while (!is.eof()) //make sure it's not the end of the file (eof)
getline(is, temp_string); //get a line and toss it into "temp".
lines.push_back(temp_string);//create new entry in our vector.
vector<string> model;
vector<int> number;
string line, temp_model;
int temp_number;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
line = lines[i];
temp_string = "";//reset string
temp_number = 0;//reset integer
for (int x = line.size() - 1; x >= 0; x--) //reverse iteration
if (line[x] == ' ')
//x now is the breaking point between the mode name and the number. use that to get model name now:
temp_model = "";//reset string
for (int c = 0; c < x/*to make surewe don't pass the stopping point*/; c++)
temp_model += line[c];
break;//end loop
//if still for some reason need to check if it's a number, use std::isdigit()
temp_string += line[x]; //adds the current character to our temporary string
//Reverse the string so that it's in proper order:
for (int x = temp_string.size() - 1; x >= 0; x--);
//mini algorithm I came up with to store the number
temp_number = 10 * temp_number;
temp_number += stoi(temp_string); //attempt to convert string to integer (s to i)
number.push_back(temp_number);//store entry
model.push_back(temp_model);//store entry
//output results:
for (int i = 0; i < model.size(); i++)
cout << "Model: " << model[i] << endl;
cout << "Number: " << number[i] << endl;