This question is related, but I am unable to comment or upvote: Amazon SNS multiple subscriptions of the same endpoint
Out of the example of the AWS doc (
"customer_interests": ["rugby"],
"price_usd": [{"numeric":[">", 100]}]
I now derrive the following question: How would I set up the filter if an endpoint would like to subscribe to "rugby" with a price over 100 and also to "baseball" with a price below 200?
This overall OR logic is somehow missing in the documentation.
Therefore I thought of subscribing the same endpoint to the topic twice with different filter plicies. One with the filter for "rugby" and price over 100, and one subscription for "baseball" with a price below 200. This was kind of asked in the question of SO (link above).
In Nov 2023, SNS message filtering introduced support for the ‘OR’ operator. This new operator should be able to address your use case.
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