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AWS SNS endpoint to topic subscription or filtering or multiple subscription

This question is related, but I am unable to comment or upvote: Amazon SNS multiple subscriptions of the same endpoint

Out of the example of the AWS doc (

    "customer_interests": ["rugby"],
    "price_usd": [{"numeric":[">", 100]}]

I now derrive the following question: How would I set up the filter if an endpoint would like to subscribe to "rugby" with a price over 100 and also to "baseball" with a price below 200?

This overall OR logic is somehow missing in the documentation.

Therefore I thought of subscribing the same endpoint to the topic twice with different filter plicies. One with the filter for "rugby" and price over 100, and one subscription for "baseball" with a price below 200. This was kind of asked in the question of SO (link above).


  • In Nov 2023, SNS message filtering introduced support for the ‘OR’ operator. This new operator should be able to address your use case.

    More information: