I have a user interface in python (tkinter) that uses cryptography.fernet to encrypt the password of the user and stores it in a yaml file. For password recovery purposes, I also keep the generated encryption key in the yaml file.
My problem is the encryption key is stored with a (!!binary) prefix in the yaml file. When I want to read it back to use it for recovering the password, the yaml.load() method converts the key into a binary format which I don't want.
This is the content of credentials.yml file:
encryption_key: !!binary |
username: Jack
encrypted_password: gAAAAABlXhuUZimgsD1eN7gLZpfzvxKc4Bz9fIPmVhWvwGoKkaUiSWOSf7gkFJBM8XRU-kgn37kKH3KC2XTz-CHLVX2PFerckQ==
and this is my python code:
import yaml
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
with open("credentials.yml", 'r') as file:
yaml_data = yaml.load(file)
The output for the code is: b'FIyeQSBva4mKqXlIMKWqTg3DLeQqltU4231rD2eMdxQ='
Is there any way that I can dump the encryption key in its original format into yaml file? Or any method that converts it back to non-binary format?
It's just Base64
>>> b = b'FIyeQSBva4mKqXlIMKWqTg3DLeQqltU4231rD2eMdxQ='
>>> import base64
>>> base64.b64encode(b)