I have a Map
of string
to string
const strToStr = new Map<string, string>([
['foo', 'foo'],
['bar', 'qux'],
I also have a Map
of string
to a predicate function accepting a string:
const strToFnc = new Map<string, (_: string) => boolean>([
['baz', (_: string) => true],
['buz', (_: string) => false],
A third Map
shall store string
predicate functions by string
const predicates = new Map<string, (_: string) => boolean>();
For the string
entries, the predicate function is made up and added:
strToStr.forEach((k) => predicates.set(k, (_) => (k == strToStr.get(k))));
This works fine. However, I cannot add the predicates of the other Map
strToFnc.forEach((k) => predicates.set(k, strToFnc.get(k)));
temp.ts:11:40 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(_: string) => boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
11 strToFnc.forEach((k) => predicates.set(k, strToFnc.get(k)));
temp.ts:11:56 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(_: string) => boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
11 strToFnc.forEach((k) => predicates.set(k, strToFnc.get(k)));
Found 2 errors in the same file, starting at: temp.ts:11
Since strToFnc.get('...')
returns a predicate function, why does this operation not work?
The forEach()
method of Map
objects doesn't behave the way you think it does. If you look at its typings:
interface Map<K, V> {
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, map: Map<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
the callback's first parameter will receive the value from the map, and its second parameter receives the key.
Looks like you're accidentally using the value instead of the key. Assuming that you really intended to use the key, you'd need something like
strToStr.forEach((_, k) => predicates.set(k, (_) => (k == strToStr.get(k))));
strToFnc.forEach((_, k) => predicates.set(k, strToFnc.get(k)!));
Of course you don't need get()
in there since you'd also have the value:
strToStr.forEach((v, k) => predicates.set(k, (_) => (k == v)));
strToFnc.forEach((v, k) => predicates.set(k, v));