I have this file config-cache.php in the config folder (config/config-cache.php), but when I use my helpers to get the values from the database, it doesn't work! what should i do Can I get these duration values from dynamic databases?
config-cache.php contents :
'configs' => [
'default' => [
'prefix' => '_default_',
'duration' => '+1 Year',
'tiny' => [
'prefix' => '_tiny_',
'duration' => '+15 minutes',
'short' => [
'prefix' => '_short_',
'duration' => '+1 hour',
'otp' => [
'prefix' => '_otp_',
'duration' => '+2 minutes',
'block' => [
'prefix' => '_block_',
'duration' => '+5 minutes',
'location' => [
'prefix' => '_location_',
'duration' => '+600 minutes',
1- Create a model to interact with your database table
2- In your controller or service provider, retrieve the configuration values from the database and override the configuration:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config as LaravelConfig;
// ...
$configs = Config::all();
foreach ($configs as $config) {
LaravelConfig::set("config-cache.configs.{$config->name}", [
'prefix' => $config->prefix,
'duration' => $config->duration,