This code behaves differently between .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 5, 6, 7, 8
Console.WriteLine("CurrentCulture is {0}.", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);
Console.WriteLine("CurrentUICulture is {0}.", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name);
var date = new DateTime(2020, 1, 15);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", date.ToString("MMM"));
Console.WriteLine("{0}", date.ToString("d-MMM-yyyy"));
date = date.AddMonths(1);
In .net framework 4.8 the output is
CurrentCulture is en-AU.
CurrentUICulture is en-US.
Jan 15-Jan-2020
Feb 15-Feb-2020
Mar 15-Mar-2020
Apr 15-Apr-2020
May 15-May-2020
Jun 15-Jun-2020
Jul 15-Jul-2020
Aug 15-Aug-2020
Sep 15-Sep-2020
Oct 15-Oct-2020
Nov 15-Nov-2020
Dec 15-Dec-2020
In .NET 5, 6, 7 & 8 I get this output:
CurrentCulture is en-AU.
CurrentUICulture is en-US.
Jan 15-Jan-2020
Feb 15-Feb-2020
Mar 15-Mar-2020
Apr 15-Apr-2020
May 15-May-2020
Jun 15-June-2020
Jul 15-July-2020
Aug 15-Aug-2020
Sep 15-Sept-2020
Oct 15-Oct-2020
Nov 15-Nov-2020
Dec 15-Dec-2020
Notice how June and July & September now give me a 4 letter abbreviation, but only when the date format string has the day and year. When I display the month on it's own I get the same behaviour between .NET Fx and .NET Core.
Does anyone know if this is intended? Is there a way to get consistent behaviour between .NET 4.8 and .NET 8?
.NET 5 has a breaking change - Globalization APIs use ICU libraries on Windows 10:
Starting in .NET 5, if an app is running on Windows 10 May 2019 Update or later, .NET libraries use ICU globalization APIs, by default.
Reason for change
This change was introduced to unify .NET's globalization behavior across all supported operating systems. It also provides the ability for applications to bundle their own globalization libraries rather than depend on the operating system's built-in libraries.
Which has affected globalization and culture-sensitive APIs.
If you switch back to NLS you should get the desired output. For example by adding the following to .csproj:
<RuntimeHostConfigurationOption Include="System.Globalization.UseNls" Value="true" />
I would guess names come from this part of ICU
See also: