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For some reason typoscript is not creating symlink to my Public folder

After i added my typoscript page logic like the following:

config {
    contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
page = PAGE

-- some code ---

page.includeJSFooter {
    jquery =
    bootstrap =

    typed = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/typed/typed.min.js
    easing = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/easing/easing.min.js
    waypoints = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/waypoints/waypoints.min.js
    owlcarousel = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/owlcarousel/owl.carousel.min.js
    isotope = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/isotope/isotope.pkgd.min.js
    lightbox = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/lib/lightbox/js/lightbox.min.js
    jqBootstrapValidation = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/mail/jqBootstrapValidation.min.js
    contact = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/mail/contact.js
    main = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/js/main.js
page.shortcutIcon = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Public/icons/reading.ico
page {
    10 {
        file = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Private/Template/Default.html
        layoutRootPath = EXT:mywebsite/Resources/Private/Layout
-- some code ---

i figured out that my symlink in public/_assets Folder has not been created

I added the necessary symlink to the folder, and things worked, but I'm still wondering why my symlink wasn't generated automatically enter image description here

what i checked

-I changed the permissions of 'public/_assets' to 777 to ensure that privilege issues were not the cause.

-I checked

AddType application/javascript   js

in my .htaccess file and it was there

am using Composer version "12.4.8"


  • You missed to mention if you have a composer or a non-composer mode installation and if you changed the folder structure.

    If you have a composer installation, normally the missing symlinks should be created if you run:

    composer dump-autoload
    # or
    composer install

    For a non-composer installation, there should be no "assets symlink" logic. That happens if you used some magic constants to change the folder structure, so that some code paths thinks they are in composer-mode and other not.