I’m new to Prolog and I wanted to write a simple predicate that checks if a given value is in a list.
I do not know exactly if the way I was taught lists is correct. I was taught that it is a car/cdr or head/tail relation (familiar from LISP/Haskell) that is “matched on” with [X|Xs]
I first tried with this program:
in([ ], _) :- false.
in([X|_], X).
in([_|Xs], X) :- in(Xs, X).
Now this program doesn’t terminate if fed with any query that should return true.
(e.g. ?- in([1, 2], 2).
). Instead, it does print out true
(without a period) and then hangs.
I considered that perhaps, after encountering a unifying rule at in([X|_], X).
Prolog continues to search for other values that unify with in([_|Xs], X)
. It is unclear to me why this would not terminate since the recursive descent always reduces the argument. Nonetheless, I then attempted this program:
in([ ], _) :- false.
in([X|_], X).
in([X|Xs], Y) :- in(Xs, Y), X \= Y.
I hoped this would prevent Prolog from descending on the other rule but this preserved the previous behaviour. I then remembered that the order of predicates in a rule matters, so I attempted this:
in([ ], _) :- false.
in([X|_], X).
in([X|Xs], Y) :- X \= Y, in(Xs, Y).
The behaviour prevailed. In frustration and suspecting I had completely misunderstood Prolog evaluation I tried reversing all clauses, to the most curious effect:
in([X|Xs], Y) :- X \= Y, in(Xs, Y).
in([X|_], X).
in([ ], _) :- false.
This now causes Prolog to terminate if the list is empty or the element is found at the head, so:
?- in([ ], 10).
?- in([1, 2], 1).
?- in([1, 2], 2).
and then it hangs.
I don’t understand how such behaviour comes about. What is Prolog doing?
I am using SWI-Prolog 9.1.10
This is expected behaviour, it pauses when it has found a solution. It keeps track of the paths through the code as it searches, and when there are still unexplored paths it prompts you for what to do next ("hangs"). Press ?
(question mark) at that point, and SWI Prolog will show you the options:
Possible actions:
; (n,r,space,TAB): redo | t: trace&redo
*: show choicepoint | c (a,RET): stop
w: write | p: print
Semi-colon, space are the ones which continue searching ("redo"). c
and a
bort and RETurn will stop there.
If it has found true, what other solutions can there be?
You know there are no more, it doesn't - it's not intelligent. It can only report finding no more solutions if it can finish searching the entire code. Try ?- member(2, [1,2,3,2,1]).
and then try ?- member(X, [1,2,3]).
and see how they find more than one solution.