I am new to Kafka and I'm trying to use schema registry and integrate with spring cloud stream binding consumer I have researched a lot and got many references but nothing really worked out. So can you please help me with it
I have a streamlistener listening to INPUT binding. I can also have a spring cloud function "function" and then have a binding "function-in-0". Doesn't matter what I use, But I want this INPUT or "function-in-0" binding consumer to have the schema registry related properties. But no matter in which path I pass them, the consumer is not able pick i guess because when i run the application I see the consumer config doesn't have these properties.
I tried passing the schema properties in many ways like: spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.consumer.properties.schema.registry.url
Nothing worked out.
Can you help by suggesting where exactly do i need to pass these schema registry configurations
is the value mentioned in the docs, and is a map. All keys within should be in []