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How to ignore Property on JSON deserialization?

My Dto has Id property:

  public class ADto
      public int Id { get; set; }
      public string Text { get; set; }

The Id is set by EF Core not by Frontend request, so I want to ignore it on deserialization ( but do not ignore on serialization, so already set Id by EF Core will be returned to Frontend), how to achieve that with attributes? I am using using System.Text.Json.Serialization;.

Deserialization is done by ASP. NET Core, I need to implement it as an attribute.


  • There is no way to achieve exactly what you want with the attributes built in to System.Text.Json as of .NET 8 or earlier.

    As a workaround, in .NET 7 and later you could create a custom attribute, then check for it in a custom typeInfo modifier when generating contracts for your types.

    First define the following attribute:

    [System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = true)]
    public sealed class JsonIgnoreOnDeserializationAttribute : System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonAttribute
        public static void Apply(JsonTypeInfo typeInfo)
            if (typeInfo.Kind != JsonTypeInfoKind.Object)
            foreach (var property in typeInfo.Properties)
                if (property.AttributeProvider?.IsDefined(typeof(JsonIgnoreOnDeserializationAttribute), true) == true)
                    property.Set = null;

    And modify your type as follows:

    public class ADto
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }

    Then, when setting up your serialization options, apply the modifier in .NET 8 by calling WithAddedModifier() like so:

    var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
        // If you are using source generation, use SourceGenerationContext.Default here instead.
        TypeInfoResolver = new DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver() 
        // Add other options as required, e.g.:
        WriteIndented = true,

    Demo fiddle #1 here.


    • The extension method WithAddedModifier() is new in .NET 8 and allows for modification of contracts of arbitrary IJsonTypeInfoResolver instances, including both both DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver and JsonSerializerContext.

      In .NET 7, use DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver and set the modifier explicitly:

      var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
          TypeInfoResolver = new DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver() 
              Modifiers = { JsonIgnoreOnDeserializationAttribute.Apply },
          // Add other options as required, e.g.:
          WriteIndented = true,

      Demo fiddle #2 here.

    • .NET 8 also has the ability to serialize properties that are entirely nonpublic, so you could consider modifying ADto by marking Id with [JsonIgnore] and adding a private get-only surrogate property like so:

      public class ADto
          public ADto() { }
          [JsonInclude, JsonPropertyName("Id")]
          private int DeserializedId => Id;
          public int Id { get; set; }
          public string Text { get; set; }

      In .NET 7 and earlier the surrogate property would need to be public, which you probably would not want.

      Demo fiddle #3 here.