I designed a customized loss:
class CustomIndicesEdgeAccuracyLoss(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes: int, selected_indices: list):
super(CustomIndicesEdgeAccuracyLoss, self).__init__()
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.selected_indices = selected_indices
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
batch_size, num_classes, feature_size = input.shape
selected_input = input[::, ::, self.selected_indices]
selected_target = target[::, self.selected_indices]
selected_preds = torch.argmax(selected_input, dim=1)
edge_acc = torch.eq(selected_preds, selected_target).sum()/torch.numel(selected_preds)
loss = 1 – edge_acc
loss.requires_grad = True
return loss
But the loss
won’t back propagate to model’s parameters, in other word, the gradient of model’s parameters are always 0 and the model’s parameters can’t be updated.
What’s possible reasons? How should I revise the codes?
Here is some information of the local variables of forward()
input.shape: torch.Size([64, 3, 5])
target.shape:torch.Size([64, 5])
selected_input.shape: torch.Size([64, 3, 2])
selected_target.shape:torch.Size([64, 2])
PS. I ask the same question in here, so I will copy the answer from this post to there, and vice versa.
You can't use accuracy as a loss function as it is non-differentiable. There is no gradient propagation through torch.argmax
. You need to use a differentiable loss function.