I see that I can get the log group as an environment variable from within the Lambda itself through the environment variables but if I have a Cloudwatch Event of a Lambda success or failure, how can I use the Lambda function name to identify the log group it's writing to? I don't see any lambda or cloudwatch boto3 client methods that provide this functionality.
This provides some details about the Lambda function (including env variables) but doesn't include log group
client = boto3.client('lambda')
There's this on the cloudwatch side, but it requires a prefix to the log group, no way to tie a resource ARN to the log group ARN.
client = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
I have just explored that AWS have recently added the logging config details to get_function response. So now you can get log group name for a lambda like this:
def get_log_group(function_arn):
function_details = boto3.client('lambda').get_function(FunctionName=function_arn)
return function_details.get('Configuration').get('LoggingConfig').get('LogGroup')
it was missing when using boto3==1.26.161
, but see it started being returned after updating to boto3==1.29.5
, so make sure to check if you got some recent version if you don't see LoggingConfig
in the response.