I'm trying to check wether an entry is left empty, the user entered the correct id in it or if the user entered an incorrect id. The idea I have is to basically destroy the label for each entry status and creating a new one so that the text don't overlap. When I wanted to implement that, it appears that the variable always remains empty even if the condition that creates the label is executed first.
Here is my function:
def updateWrongIdText(id):
wrongIdText = None
if doesIdExist(id):
if wrongIdText is None:
print("Still no widget in variable")
if len(id) == 0:
wrongIdText = customtk.CTkLabel(master=loginFrame, text="Sorry, Studnet Id case cannot be empty", font=('Chalkboard', 12), text_color="red")
wrongIdText.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.8, anchor = "center")
wrongIdText = customtk.CTkLabel(master=loginFrame, text="Sorry, this Student ID is not registerd in our Library", font=('Chalkboard', 12), text_color="red")
wrongIdText.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.8, anchor = "center")
And this is how the id is retrieved; after the click of a button and then sent to both doesIdExist()
and updateWrongIdText()
def onLoginButtonClick():
id = idEntry.get()
password = passEntry.get()
I'm also new to StachOverflow so idk how to produce a minimal reproducible example.
Below as an MRE:
import tkinter as tk
import customtkinter as customtk
label = None
app = customtk.CTk()
app.title("Library Application")
def Button1Click():
if button1.winfo_exists() == 1:
def Button2Click():
global label
label = customtk.CTkLabel(app, text="This is a test.")
label.place(relx= 0.5, rely= 0.5, anchor="center")
button1 = customtk.CTkButton(master = app, text="Click me to delete", command=Button1Click)
button1.place(relx= 0.5, rely= 0.6, anchor="center")
button2 = customtk.CTkButton(master = app, text="Click me to create", command=Button2Click)
button2.place(relx= 0.5, rely= 0.4, anchor="center")
And Thank You in advance :)
I've tried every answer I found on Google, nothing worked.
The solution was posted by jasonharper as a comment:
Your if wrongIdText is None: check is pointless - of course it's None, you assigned that value two lines earlier! If you want the value to persist between calls to the function, it cannot be a local variable - make it global, or an attribute of some global object.
Thanks to Him and to Bryan for the help!
I fixed the problem by declaring my label's variable as global in the top of my code and assigning a None value to it using global wrongIdText
and I've modified the code accordingly:
def updateWrongIdText(id):
global wrongIdText
if doesIdExist(id):
if wrongIdText is not None:
if len(id) == 0:
if wrongIdText is not None:
wrongIdText = customtk.CTkLabel(master=loginFrame, text="Sorry, Studnet Id case cannot be empty", font=('Chalkboard', 12), text_color="red")
wrongIdText.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.8, anchor = "center")
if wrongIdText is not None:
wrongIdText = customtk.CTkLabel(master=loginFrame, text="Sorry, this Student ID is not registerd in our Library", font=('Chalkboard', 12), text_color="red")
wrongIdText.place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.8, anchor = "center")