I have an IG with the following query for PL/SQL returning function body:
L_sql varchar2(4000);
l_instead varchar2(100);
l_sql := 'select * from sys.table_links@replace_link';
l_instead := replace(l_sql,'replace_link',:Pl_LINK) ;
return l_sql;
Here P1 Link has its attribute copied from page 2. Page 2 has a column which is a link and it passes DB_LINK column value to item P1_LINK. However, when i try to validate the above code, it says remote database not found.
But the remote db link is working fine.
The issue is that the apex engine will try to validate the statement when the page is compiled. That is needed to determine a number of attributes of the report (eg nr of columns, data type of columns, etc). When the page is compiled, the value of :P1_LINK
is null and the sql statement will be invalid.
Solution: change the sql statement so it always returns rows by adding an NVL or a union to a local table. Here is a similar question that makes this clear.