Search code examples

How do I get the data from the supabase to the flutter?

child: StreamBuilder<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>(
  stream: Supabase.instance.client.from("todo").stream(
    primaryKey: [
      {"idx": 1},
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    return ListView(
      children: => Text(e["content"])).toList() ?? [],
idx(primary key) content
1 one
2 two

I'm trying to get content with idx of 1, but an error keeps occurring, in line 4 >>> {"idx": 1}.

So I wrote this code using chat-gpt, but still the error occurs.

How can I get content with idx of 1?


  • For the primaryKey parameter, you just need to pass the list of primary key column names, in this case, just ['ids'], so your code would look like:

    child: StreamBuilder<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>(
      stream: Supabase.instance.client.from("todo").stream(primaryKey: ['idx']),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return ListView(
          children: => Text(e["content"])).toList() ?? [],