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Create Hybridworker in Azure using powershell errors out

I am using the code below to create Hybrid worker in a secondary (DR) resource group and add it to an hybridworker group in an automation account in the primary resource group however it fails with the error

   $rgDRname = 'rgjt4061rbdr'
   $rgname = 'rgjt4061rb'
   $aaname = 'aajt4061rb'
   $hybridWorkerGroupName = 'hwrvmjt4061rbDNS1'

   # Get the Hybrid Worker Group
   $hybridWorkerGroup = Get-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgname -          AutomationAccountName $aaname -Name $hybridWorkerGroupName

   $vmDNS1resource = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgDRname | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "vm*DNS1" }
   [string]$vmDNS1resourceid = $vmDNS1resource.Id

   # Create a new Hybrid Worker configuration
   $hybridWorkerConfiguration = @{
       ResourceGroupName = $rgname
       AutomationAccountName = $aaname
       VmResourceId = $vmDNS1resourceid 
       HybridRunbookWorkerGroupName = $hybridWorkerGroupName
       Name = $vmDNS1resource.Name

   # Add the new Hybrid Worker to the group
   New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker @hybridWorkerConfiguration 

I got the error below

This is the error i have New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker : The hybrid runbook worker id 'vmjt4061rbDNS1' is not in proper GUID format.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker @hybridWorkerConfiguration | gm
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker], ErrorResponseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Automation.Cmdlet.NewAzureAutomationHybridRunbookWorker

Powershell Command but fails ..

If there is a way I can use Microsoft graph instead. that would be great.


  • You need to pass the GUID value for -Name property as mentioned in this documentation on how to create and manage the hybrid worker.

    I have modified the above shared PowerShell script and using the below I am able to deploy the Hybrid Runbook worker without any issues.

     $rgDRname = 'rgjt4061rbdr'
       $rgname = 'rgjt4061rb'
       $aaname = 'aajt4061rb'
       $hybridWorkerGroupName = 'hwrvmjt4061rbDNS1'
       $workerName= New-Guid
       $vmDNS1resource = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgDRname | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "vm*DNS1" }
       $vmDNS1resourceid = $vmDNS1resource.Id
       # Create a new Hybrid Worker configuration
       $hybridWorkerConfiguration = @{
           ResourceGroupName = $rgname
           AutomationAccountName = $aaname
           VmResourceId = $vmDNS1resourceid 
           HybridRunbookWorkerGroupName = $hybridWorkerGroupName
           Name = $workerName
       # Add the new Hybrid Worker to the group
       New-AzAutomationHybridRunbookWorker @hybridWorkerConfiguration