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How to fetch related user info when fetching all posts in MongoDB

Hello I am new to MongoDB. I want to fetch all posts with user details of who created the post. I have two collections.

users collection:

   "_id": {
     "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2377"
   "name": "kunal",
   "_id": {
     "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e237b"
   "name": "Amit",

user_posts collection

    "_id": {
      "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2378"
    "user_id": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2377",
    "post_name": "Test Post Group",
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2379"
    "user_id": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2377",
    "post_name": "Test Post Group",
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e237a"
    "user_id": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e2377",
    "post_name": "Test Post 3",

    "_id": {
      "$oid": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e237c"
    "user_id": "655d897b794e33f8ae0e237b",
    "post_name": "Test Post Amit",

In the users collection, _id is an ObjectId but in the user_posts collection, user_id is not an ObjectId. But I don't want to make user_id as ObjectId.

I tried below query:

    '$lookup' : {
      'as' : 'user_info',
      'from' : 'users',
      'foreignField' : '_id',
      'localField' : 'user_id'


    "_id": ObjectId("655c3285822c4a52150c30a8"),
    "post_name": "Test Post",
    "user_id": "655c3285822c4a52150c30a7",
    "user_info": []
    "_id": ObjectId("655c3285822c4a52150c30a9"),
    "post_name": "Test Post 2",
    "user_id": "655c3285822c4a52150c30a7",
    "user_info": []
    "_id": ObjectId("655c3285822c4a52150c30aa"),
    "post_name": "Test Post 3",
    "user_id": "655c3285822c4a52150c30a7",
    "user_info": []

This above query only works if makes user_id as an ObjectId at the schema level. May be needed to convert user_id to an ObjectId in the run-time query itself. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?


  • You must ensure that the values must be in the same type for matching/comparison. Reference: Join Conditions and Subqueries on a Joined Collection

        "$lookup": {
          "from": "users",
          "let": {
            user_id: {
              $toObjectId: "$user_id"
          "pipeline": [
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $eq: [
          "as": "user_info"

    Demo @ Mongo Playgrund