My intention is to display a SwiftUI.Map (doc) with a line (that would represent a route) using MapPolyline
(see doc). Unfortunately, the line does not display on neither the simulator nor a physical device. Here's my code.
let deviceLocations = [
// note: coordinates have be obfuscated for privacy reasons
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 54.1234, longitude: -83.1234),
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 54.1235, longitude: -83.1235),
... // there a more points in my hard-coded array, but you get the idea...
var body: some View {
Map(initialPosition: .userLocation(fallback: .automatic),
bounds: nil,
interactionModes: .all) {
MapPolyline(coordinates: deviceLocations)
.stroke(lineWidth: 2.0)
That's it. The simulator location is set to "Custom Location" with one of the coordinate from the list. That View
is part of a view with other elements on it, but are not shown here (within a ZStack
I don't know what I'm missing, and the documentation does not address this deeply enough.
The Polyline still there. However, you can't see it because its content is empty. Try to fill with Color
for example:
MapPolyline(coordinates: deviceLocations)
.stroke(.blue, lineWidth: 2.0)
Or create custom ShapeStyle
struct CustomShapeStyle: ShapeStyle {
func resolve(in environment: EnvironmentValues) -> some ShapeStyle {
if environment.colorScheme == .light {
} else {
MapPolyline(coordinates: deviceLocations)
.stroke(CustomShapeStyle(), lineWidth: 2.0)