I am currently trying to recode variables with an NA but I am having problems.
I am having trouble and my data looks like this for an income variable:
I wanted to remove the 0s and recode them into NAs. The 0s represent respondents who marked down 'choose not to answer'. I have tried this:
> Comm %>%
+ mutate(Income2 = case_when(Income1 = 0 ~ NA_real_,
+ Income1 = 1 ~ 'Less than 50K'
+ Income1 = 2 ~ 'More than 50K'))
but I keep getting this error:
Error in `mutate()`:
ℹ In argument: `Income2 = case_when(...)`.
Caused by error in `case_when()`:
! `0` must be a vector with type <logical>.
Instead, it has type <double>.
I tried converting Income1 as a logical but for whatever reason it's not working. So I tried using the expss package (SPSS like package). I wanted to retain the 1s and 2s.
Comm$Income2 = recode(Comm$Income1, "No answer" = 0 ~ NA_real_,
"Less Than 50K" = 1 ~ 1,
"More Than 50K" = 2 ~ 2)
That did not work because:
Error in process_recodings(x, unlist(list(...), recursive = TRUE), make_empty_vec(x), :
'recode' - labelled recodings should recode into single not-NA value but we have: 0 ~ NA
Thank you for reading, any advice would help!
As for recode
from expss
. The error message said: " labelled recodings should recode into single not-NA value". So you need to remove the label from your recoding to NA
. The reason for this is that label on NA (missing) value is not allowed both in SPSS and in expss. Code below works:
Comm$Income2 = recode(Comm$Income1, 0 ~ NA_real_,
"Less Than 50K" = 1 ~ 1,
"More Than 50K" = 2 ~ 2)