I am trying to knit an Rmarkdown to html on both mac and windows. In this file there is a lot of text data that is being processed into text columns using the R package gt. In windows, the code runs fine, without any issue.
When I try to run the same code on a mac, I get this error:
Error in gsub("'", "'", html_tbl) : input string 1 is invalid
I know what the issue is: there is an apostrophe in a text string which comes off looking like a question mark in a black diamond in the raw data:
"...think a lot of us didn�t quite understand wh..."
What I don't understand is, why does the code fail on an ios and not on a windows; what can I do to fix this and prevent this issue going forward, and if possible how can I fix this issue so that the sentence passed to the html output maintains its' original meaning and composition.
Edit: This is how the file is read:
df_import <- read_csv("file_path")
It seems like encoding issue. So you can try to read the csv with encoding. What you should do is:
readr::read_csv2("csv_file.csv", locale = locale(encoding = "WINDOWS-1252"))
readr::read_csv2("csv_file.csv", locale = locale(encoding = "latin1"))
readr::read_csv2("csv_file.csv", locale = locale(encoding = "UTF-8"))