Search code examples

count distinct multiple values in XQuery

Given the XML Document below.this XML document contains many books. books can be authored by many authors: *

 <book year="1994">
 <title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title>
 <book year="1992">
 <title>Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment</title>
  <book year="2000">
  <title>Data on the Web</title>
  <publisher>Morgan Kaufmann Publishers</publisher>
  <book year="1999">
  <title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>
  <publisher>Kluwer Academic Publishers</publisher>

I want to output , from this document, the number of authors without duplicates.

I have tried the following:

let $x:= distinct-values(doc('biblio.xml')//author/(first, last))
return count ($x)

but this query , Unfortunately, doesn't give me the expected output.


  • You can group the author elements by the first and last element and then count the groups:

    (for $author in //author
    group by $first := $author/first, $last := $author/last
    return $author[1]) => count()