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Jazzy: zsh: no matches found: --documentation=./*.md

I'm using jazzy and it seems to not want to include all of the markdown files in the rendered documentation pages. For example,

jazzy --xcodebuild-arguments -scheme,MyCustomSchemeName --documentation=./*.md

produces the following output:

zsh: no matches found: --documentation=./*.md

What could be the issue here? I'm trying to avoid shell expansion when using this command:

jazzy --documentation Full/Path_ToDoc.docc/**.md --xcodebuild-arguments -scheme,MyCustomSchemeName

As this produces the following output:

Leftover unused command-line text: ["Full/Path_ToDoc.docc/", "Full/Path_ToDoc.docc/"]

Relevant GitHub issues:

The goal is to include all of the markdown files in the directory to render. If I use just this command:

jazzy --documentation Full/Path_ToDoc.docc/**.md --xcodebuild-arguments -scheme,MyCustomSchemeName

It actually generates the documentation, but omits 2 other files that are stored in the folder due to the shell expansion.


  • Quoting solved the issue:

    jazzy --xcodebuild-arguments -scheme,MyScheme --documentation='Full/PathToDoc.docc/*.md'