I have a list of users which I iterate over to populate a selection pull down but I need to use the selected user to pull their age from the array. I've bound value to the variable select but I can't seem to get the value of users[id=select].age
<script lang="ts">
import Users from './lib/Users.svelte';
const users = [
name: 'Andrew',
age: '39',
name: 'David',
price: '80',
] as User[];
let selected = '0';
let age = users[0].age;
<div class="min-h-screen bg-slate-800 text-white">
<main class="max-w-screen-rs mx-auto">
<select bind:value={selected} class="bg-green-800 text-white" id="userSelect" name="userSelect" size="1">
<option value="0" selected="selected">Select a user</option>
{#each users as user}
<option value={user.id}>{user.category}</option>
I've tried the following let age = users[id={selected}].age;
but to no avail. I have output to the console the value of selected and it is updating that value but if I try and use it as defined above I just get a blank page no error message nothing just code that won't render
Dependent statements need to be made reactive via $:
in Svelte 3/4:
$: age = users[selected]?.age;
prevents errors if no user is selected, it will fall back to undefined