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Factor levels out of order in tibble

First time asking a question here and very new to R, so please bear with me if I format/phrase something incorrectly. Thanks in advance for your help!

I have multiple columns stored as factors in my dataframe. However, after running a code chunk of dplyr functions with pipes, the tibble output is not retaining the factor levels from the dataframe. The data is out of order.

Here are the factor levels (I eliminated some of the preceding code because it's long):

POST_600_WOBA_GRADE = factor(POST_600_WOBA_GRADE, levels = c("Elite", "Great", "Good", "Average", "Below Average", "Poor", "Awful", "DNQ")))

When I run this to confirm, the correct levels show:

[1] "Elite"         "Great"         "Good"          "Average"       "Below Average"
[6] "Poor"          "Awful"         "DNQ" 

However, when I run this below, DNQ and Awful get flipped. DNQ (Did Not Qualify) should be on the far right.

all_batter_career_data_by_ID %>%
  filter(BAT_DEBUT < "2015-01-01") %>%
  group_by(FIRST_600_WOBA_GRADE, POST_600_WOBA_GRADE) %>%
  summarize(n = n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = POST_600_WOBA_GRADE, values_from = n)

# A tibble: 8 × 9
# Groups:   FIRST_600_WOBA_GRADE [8]
  FIRST_600_WOBA_GRADE Elite Great  Good Average `Below Average`  Poor   DNQ Awful
  <fct>                <int> <int> <int>   <int>           <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 Elite                    1     1     4       1              NA    NA    NA    NA
2 Great                    5     9    14       7               3     1     8    NA
3 Good                     1    21    62      56              20    12    44     1
4 Average                  1    10    45      77              29    29    78     6
5 Below Average           NA     5    24      36              14    26    56     7
6 Poor                    NA     5    22      35              14    33    94    20
7 Awful                   NA     1     7      21               9    38   132    22
8 DNQ                     NA    NA    NA      NA              NA    NA  1126    NA

I am running the exact same code for another variable with the same factor levels, and the tibble is in the correct order, so I'm not sure why this one is flipped. Thanks again for your help!


  • To understand what is going on, here's some sample data:

    df <- data.frame(
      "first_grade" = "Elite",
      "second_grade" = c("Elite", "Great", "Good", "Average", "Below Average", "Poor", "Awful", "DNQ") |> factor(levels = c("Elite", "Great", "Good", "Average", "Below Average", "Poor", "Awful", "DNQ")),
      "n" = sample(1:100, 8, replace = TRUE))
      first_grade  second_grade  n
    1       Elite         Elite 14
    2       Elite         Great 68
    3       Elite          Good 39
    4       Elite       Average  1
    5       Elite Below Average 34
    6       Elite          Poor 87
    7       Elite         Awful 43
    8       Elite           DNQ 14

    Pivoting this data wider gives us the right answer, but once we randomly sort the rows, we get the wrong answer:

    df <- df[sample(1:8, 8),]  
    tidyr::pivot_wider(df, names_from = "second_grade", values_from = "n")
    # A tibble: 1 × 9
      first_grade Great  Good Awful Elite `Below Average` Average   DNQ  Poor
      <chr>       <int> <int> <int> <int>           <int>   <int> <int> <int>
    1 Elite          68    39    43    14              34       1    14    87

    As Darren has pointed out, the solution is to use the names_sort = TRUE argument for pivot_wider() (sorting the column you're wanting to pivot wider would work too):

    tidyr::pivot_wider(df, names_from = "second_grade", values_from = "n", names_sort = TRUE)


    # A tibble: 1 × 9
      first_grade Elite Great  Good Average `Below Average`  Poor Awful   DNQ
      <chr>       <int> <int> <int>   <int>           <int> <int> <int> <int>
    1 Elite          14    68    39       1              34    87    43    14