I'm trying to display the searched characters with yellow coloring.
I searched web and Here is my current code.
I'm trying to display the searched characters with yellow coloring.
I searched web and Here is my current code.
I can search keywords and get result.
but colors function are not working.
I'm guessing the code of blade? but not sure. Could you teach me what is causing please?
@foreach ($posts as $post)
<td>{{ $post->title }}</td>
<td>{{ $result }}</td
**Controller **
$keyword = $request->input('search');
$q = Post::query();
if(isset($request->keyword) && $request->keyword_type === "or"){
$keywords = explode(",", $request->keyword);
$q->where(function ($query) use($keywords) {
foreach($keywords as $keyword){
$query->orWhere('title', 'LIKE',"%$keyword%");
} elseif(isset($request->keyword)) {
$keywords = explode(",", $request->keyword);
foreach($keywords as $keyword){
$q->where('title', 'LIKE',"%$keyword%");
// \DB::enableQueryLog();
$results = $q->get();
// dd(\DB::getQueryLog());
// Highlisght strings area
if(isset($request->keyword)) {
foreach($results as $result){
$keywords = explode(",", $request->keyword);
$result->title = $this->search_text_highlight($keywords, $result->title);
$count_result = count($posts);
return view('posts.index')
'posts' => $posts,
'result' => $result->title
])->with('i', (request()->input('page', 1) - 1) * 5);
* function find keyword if finds make it yellow highlight
* @param array $keywords
* @param string $target_string
* @return string $target_string
public function search_text_highlight($keywords, $target_string)
// if target is empty return the string
return $target_string;
foreach($keywords as $keyword){
// if find keyword highlight and return
if( ($pos = mb_strpos($target_string, $keyword, 0, 'UTF-8')) !== false ){
// get keyword from text
$str = mb_substr($target_string, $pos, mb_strlen($keyword, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8');
// make yellow highlight color
$target_string = str_replace($str, "<span style='background-color:yellow'>{$str}</span>", $target_string);
return $target_string;
$results = $q->get();
$highlightedResults = [];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$keywords = explode(",", $request->keyword);
$highlightedTitle = $this->search_text_highlight($keywords, $result->title);
$highlightedResults[] = [
'post' => $result,
'highlightedTitle' => $highlightedTitle,
return view('posts.index', [
'highlightedResults' => $highlightedResults,
])->with('i', (request()->input('page', 1) - 1) * 5);
Blade file
@foreach ($highlightedResults as $highlightedResult)
<h2>{{ $highlightedResult['highlightedTitle'] }}</h2>
<p>{{ $highlightedResult['post']->tag }}</p>
<p>{{ $highlightedResult['post']->description }}</p>