When insert an image into TLF in flex3, I found that image in TLF is displayed in a square area. so there is some space at the top of the image. See the attached image for this problem.
How to remove this space? I try the following method, But it doesn't work!
var graphic_element:InlineGraphicElement = IEditManager(activeFlow.interactionManager).insertInlineGraphic(foreignElementUrl, width, height, "none");
graphic_element.paddingTop = 0;
graphic_element.paddingBottom = 0;
graphic_element.paddingRight = 0;
graphic_element.paddingLeft = 0;
Maybe this?
inlineGraphicElement.textDecoration = null;
inlineGraphicElement.alignmentBaseline = TextBaseline.ASCENT;
inlineGraphicElement.lineHeight = "100%";