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Is there a way of programatically extracting terms (length of contract) from free text

I want to extract contract length from text to term in months. Free text fields range from:

"2 x 5 year terms",
"3 further  x 4 years",
"two(2) further terms of five(5) years each",
"Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years",
"1 years + 1 years + 1 years" ,
"2 x 3 years",
"1 year and 6 months",

I'd like the output to be:

120 months,
144 months,
120 months,
72 months, 
36 months
72 months
18 months
import re

def calculate_duration(term):
    term = term.lower()

    # Handle "x year terms" pattern
    match = re.match(r'(\d+) x (\d+) year terms?', term)
    if match:
        return int( * int( * 12
    # Handle "FURTHER TERMS OF x YEARS EACH" pattern
    match = re.match(r'further terms of (\d+) years each', term)
    if match:
        return int( * 12

    # Handle "FURTHER TERMS OF x YEARS EACH" pattern
    match = re.match(r'further terms of (\d+) years each', term)
    if match:
        return int( * 12
    # Handle "FURTHER TERMS OF x YEARS EACH" pattern
    match = re.match(r'further terms of ((?:\d+\s?\(\w+\)\s?)?(\d+)) years each', term)
    if match:
        return int( * 12

    # Handle "x years + x years + x years" pattern
    match = re.match(r'(\d+) years(\s?\+\s?\d+ years)+', term)
    if match:
        return sum(int( for group in match.groups()) * 12

    # Handle other patterns or simple year counts
    match = re.match(r'(\d+) years?', term)
    if match:
        return int( * 12

    # Handle other cases or unknown patterns
    return None

# Example usage
terms = [
    "2 x 5 year terms",
    "3 further x 4 YEAR terms",
    "Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years",
    "1 years + 1 years + 1 years" ,
    "2 x 3 years"

for term in terms:
    duration = calculate_duration(term)
    print(f"{term}: {duration} months")


  • "... I want to extract contract length from text to term in months. ..."

    Utilize the eval built-in function.

    Traverse the the text, appending the according values; numbers and operators.
    When a "year" value is encountering, adjust the previous value accordingly; multiply by 12.

    From here, produce a mathematical expression, by concatenating the values.

    Here is an example.

    import re
    def parse(s: str):
        e = []
        for i, x in enumerate(s.split()):
            if any([c.isdigit() for c in x]):
                e.append(int(re.sub(r'\D', '', x)))
            elif 'year' in x.lower(): e[-1] *= 12
            elif x in ['x', 'of']: e.append('*')
            elif x in ['+', 'and']: e.append('+')
        return e
    text = ['2 x 5 year terms',
            '3 further x 4 years',
            'two(2) further terms of five(5) years each',
            'Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years',
            '1 years + 1 years + 1 years',
            '2 x 3 years',
            '1 year and 6 months']
    for string in text:
        exp = ' '.join(map(str, parse(string)))
        print(exp, '=', eval(exp))


    2 * 60 = 120
    3 * 48 = 144
    2 * 60 = 120
    24 + 24 + 24 = 72
    12 + 12 + 12 = 36
    2 * 36 = 72
    12 + 6 = 18


    A similar approach would be to remove any non-associative values, i.e., keeping only "years", "of", "and", digits, and the characters, 'x', and '+'.

    import re
    a = re.compile(r'(?i)\b(?!(?:years?)|of|and|\d|x|\+)\w+|[()]')
    b = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)[ \t]+| +$')
    def parse(s: str):
        global a, b
        s = a.sub('', s).lower()
        s = b.sub('', s).replace('s', '')
        e = []
        for i, x in enumerate(s.split()):
            if x.isdigit(): e.append(int(x))
            elif x == 'year': e[-1] *= 12
            elif x in ['x', 'of']: e.append('*')
            elif x in ['+', 'and']: e.append('+')
        return ' '.join(map(str, e))
    text = ['2 x 5 year terms',
            '3 further x 4 years',
            'two(2) further terms of five(5) years each',
            'Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years + Two (2) Years',
            '1 years + 1 years + 1 years',
            '2 x 3 years',
            '1 year and 6 months']
    for string in text:
        exp = parse(string)
        print(exp, '=', eval(exp))