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Add a suffix to file basenames in a directory

I am trying to create a batch file to add the suffix _Reuploads to the basenames of all CZI files in a directory named Reuploads.

The file names in Reuploads follow the basename format AB123456_pX_s0_m0, (sometimes they follow the format AB123456_pX_s0_m0_R1, not sure if this matters?).

I found this code, and edited it, but it does not seem to work.

@for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir "C:\Reupload" /s /b /a-d ^| findstr /v "_Reupload\.[^.]*$"') do ( ren "%%~fi" "%%~ni_Reupload%%~xi" )


  • You can try this

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /r C:\ %%d in (.) do (
        if /i "%%~nxd"=="Reuploads" (
            echo Found folder: %%d
            pushd %%d
            for %%f in (*.czi) do (
                set "filename=%%f"
                if not "!filename!"=="!filename:_Reuploads=!" (
                    echo File already has suffix: %%f
                ) else (
                    ren "%%f" "!filename!_Reuploads.czi"
                    echo Renamed: %%f
    echo Renaming complete.

    But it may be slow because it looks in all the computer for the "reuplods" folder.