My text detections, using Google Cloud Vision API, are missing confidence scores. More specifically, the scores are always 0 except for the language feature. I am using Node JS to build a firebase cloud function.
My issue is similar to The offered solution is for Python but I need the same for Node JS.
I found the right Node JS reference for it at
but I do not know how to implement it. These references confuse me. I have yet to learn how to use them. So, any tips on how to use these references at the same time would be appreciated.
I tried to improvise and got this:
const imageBucket = `gs://${object.bucket}/${}`;
const options = {
"requests": [
"features": [
const client2 = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(options);
const textDetectionParams = vision.TextDetectionParams({enableTextDetectionConfidenceScore: true})
const imageContext = vision.ImageContext(textDetectionParams);
const [textDetections] = await client2.textDetection(imageBucket, imageContext);
but this is returning an error: TypeError: vision.TextDetectionParams is not a function.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is a simple solution to that:
const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient();
const imageBucket = `gs://${object.bucket}/${}`;
const [textDetections] = await client.documentTextDetection(imageBucket);
Basically, change textDetection to documentTextDetection. This works perfectly and I can see the confidence scores now. Learn more here: