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CURSOR seems empty but SELECT returns non-empty data

I have a mysql Procedure for awarding allowances to socially active students. In this Procidure I'm updating Students table. Inside this procedure I have define a cursor which gives 2 values (student_id and student_participations - number activities where student participated). This means in my select statement, I have taken 2 tables: students, and subquery of students and participations tables. Since I know that this select query returns data outside procedure, I can't figure it out, why cursor remains empty.


create procedure update_st_value_by_participation(in how_much int)

    declare student_id, value_multiplier int;
    declare is_end int default 0;
    declare students_cursor cursor for 
    select studs.st_id, tb1.st_participations from studs, 
    (select student_id as st_id, count(student_id) as st_participations 
    from participation group by student_id) as tb1
    where tb1.st_participations > 1 and tb1.st_id = studs.st_id;
    declare continue handler for not found set is_end=1;
    open students_cursor;
        curs: Loop
            fetch students_cursor into student_id, value_multiplier;
            if is_end then
                leave curs;
            end if;
            update studs
            set st_value = st_value + how_much * (value_multiplier - 1)
            where st_id = student_id;
        end loop curs;
    close students_cursor;
end //

(is_end takes value=1 somehow)

Tables, that I've been using:

create table studs(
st_id int primary key auto_increment,
st_name varchar(30),
st_surname varchar(30),
st_course int,
st_speciality enum('km', 'webs', 'mobile', 'mech'),
st_form enum('free', 'not free'),
st_value float

create table activities(
activity_id int primary key auto_increment,
activity_name varchar(50),
activity_description varchar(200),
activity_date date,
activity_place varchar(50),
activity_organizer varchar(30)

create table participation(
participation_id int primary key auto_increment,
student_id int,
activity_id int,
participation_role varchar(20),
participation_result varchar(50),

constraint ref_studs_to_participation foreign key (student_id) references studs (st_id),
constraint ref_activities_to_participation foreign key (activity_id) references activities (activity_id)


  • your problem is that your variable is called studento_id.

    the rule is never use column names as variable names.

    The easiest way to comply with he rule is to use a prefix like p_ for every variable, so you haven't duplicate names ( as lon as you don't have column names that start with p_, but that is only a sample.

    So after changing the the variable names and simplifying your cursor.

    create table studs(
    st_id int primary key auto_increment,
    st_name varchar(30),
    st_surname varchar(30),
    st_course int,
    st_speciality enum('km', 'webs', 'mobile', 'mech'),
    st_form enum('free', 'not free'),
    st_value float
    create table activities(
    activity_id int primary key auto_increment,
    activity_name varchar(50),
    activity_description varchar(200),
    activity_date date,
    activity_place varchar(50),
    activity_organizer varchar(30)
    create table participation(
    participation_id int primary key auto_increment,
    student_id int,
    activity_id int,
    participation_role varchar(20),
    participation_result varchar(50),
    constraint ref_studs_to_participation foreign key (student_id) references studs (st_id),
    constraint ref_activities_to_participation foreign key (activity_id) references activities (activity_id)
    INSERT INTO studs VALUES(NULL ,'testA','testB',1,'km','free', 1.6);
    INSERT INTO studs VALUES(NULL ,'testA1','testB1',2,'km','free', 1.1);
    INSERT INTO studs VALUES(NULL ,'testA2','testB2',3,'km','free', 1.1);
    INSERT INTO activities VALUEs (NULL,'test1','test2', NOW(),'test4','test5');
    INSERT INTO activities VALUEs (NULL,'test11','test21', NOW(),'test41','test51');
    INSERT INTO activities VALUEs (NULL,'test12','test22', NOW(),'test42','test52');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,1,1,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,1,2,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,1,3,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,2,1,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,2,2,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,3,3,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,3,2,'test','test');
    INSERT INTO participation VALUES (NULL,3,3,'test','test');
    create procedure update_st_value_by_participation(in p_how_much int)
        declare p_student_id, p_value_multiplier int;
        declare is_end int default 0;
        declare students_cursor cursor for 
         select student_id, count(student_id) as st_participations 
        from participation group by student_id;
        declare continue handler for not found set is_end=1;
        open students_cursor;
            curs: Loop
                fetch students_cursor into p_student_id, p_value_multiplier;
                if is_end then
                    leave curs;
                end if;
                update studs
                set st_value = st_value + p_how_much * (p_value_multiplier - 1)
                where st_id = p_student_id;
            end loop curs;
        close students_cursor;
    CALL update_st_value_by_participation(21)
    SELECT * FROM studs
    st_id st_name st_surname st_course st_speciality st_form st_value
    1 testA testB 1 km free 43.6
    2 testA1 testB1 2 km free 22.1
    3 testA2 testB2 3 km free 43.1
