Unable to send sticker using "file_id". Documentation on learn.microsoft.com comes only with sample using "url"
Trying to send like this:
activity.ChannelData = new { method = "sendSticker", parameters = new { sticker = new { file_id = "CAADAgADmwEAAoo0zQirH-KhlK1ZMwI", width = 512, height = 355 } } };
await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(activity);
but it does not work.
Same issue using Telegram.Bot api with NET 8 and C# and came across with the right way:
Message sendSticker = await botClient.SendStickerAsync(
chatId: chatId,
sticker: InputFile.FromFileId("CAADAgADmwEAAoo0zQirH-KhlK1ZMwI"),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
More in the quickstart guide from github. Cheers.