I want to implement this animation on a custom made tile. So how can we implement this slide animation to highlight a widget. enter image description here
So give your suggestion to make it possible
I've another best and short solution. Firstly Add these packages in pubspec.yml- flutter_animate: ^4.2.0+1 shimmer: ^3.0.0
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
bottom: BorderSide(
color: Colors.black,
width: 2,),
child: CustomSettingListTile(
prefixIcon: Icons.currency_rupee,
labelText: "Subscription Plus",
trailingWidget: const Icon(
size: 20,
color: Colors.white,
onTap: () {
// Get.to(() => const FeedbackScreen());
onPlay:(controller) => controller.repeat(),
angle: 0,
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
color: Colors.orange.shade600