I have a data.frame with one column representing a path of nodes, which I would like to transform to a tree. I there any simple function to do so ?
Here's a simple example:
data <- data.frame(
Name = c("A", "A1", "A2", "A1a", "A1b", "A2a", "A2b", "A2c"),
Path = c("1", "1,1", "1,2", "1,1,1", "1,1,2", "1,2,1", "1,2,2", "1,2,3")
Which I would like to transform to :
nodes <- list(
text = "A",
li_attr = list(id = "1")
state = list(opened = TRUE),
children = list(
text = "A1",
li_attr = list(id = "1,1")
state = list(opened = TRUE),
children = list(
text = "A1a",
li_attr = list(id = "1,1,1")),
text = "A1b",
li_attr = list(id = "1,1,2"))
text = "A2",
li_attr = list(id = "1,2")
state = list(opened = TRUE),
children = list(
text = "A2a",
li_attr = list(id = "1,2,1")),
text = "A2b",
li_attr = list(id = "1,2,2")),
text = "A2c",
li_attr = list(id = "1,2,3"))
Package {data.tree} is helpful for working with hierarchical data structures. In your case:
to your data frame (a slash-separated string like a directory path, where the last letter of your variable name corresponds to the endpoint, and each preceding letter to an upstream folder; finally convert the dataframe to a tree, using as.Node
the_treedata <-
data |>
rowwise() |>
mutate(pathString = strsplit(Name, '') |> unlist() |> paste(collapse = '/'))
## > the_treedata
## # A tibble: 8 x 3
## # Rowwise:
## Name Path pathString
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 A 1 A
## 2 A1 1,1 A/1
## 3 A2 1,2 A/2
## 4 A1a 1,1,1 A/1/a
## 5 A1b 1,1,2 A/1/b
my_tree <- my_treedata |> as.Node()
the result of applying a custom function to each node as a list:the_list <-
the_tree$Get(\(node) list(text = node$name,
li_attr = list(node$Path),
state = list(opened = TRUE),
children = Map(node$children,
f = \(child) list(text = child$Name,
state = list(opened = TRUE),
li_attr = list(id = node$Path)
filterFun = \(node) !is.leaf(node), ## leave nodes already captured via the `children` attribute of their parent nodes
simplify = FALSE