I have this route with two nested routes:
parentNavigatorKey: _homePageShellNavigatorKey,
name: MenuScreen.routeName,
path: '/menu_screen',
pageBuilder: (_, state) {
state.extra is MenuScreenArgs || state.extra == null,
'extra of menu_screen route should be null or have a type of MenuScreenArgs,'
' but instead got ${state.extra.runtimeType}',
return MaterialPage(
child: MenuScreen(
args: state.extra as MenuScreenArgs?,
routes: [
parentNavigatorKey: _rootNavigatorKey,
name: CoffeeDetailsScreen.routeName,
path: 'coffee_details_screen',
pageBuilder: (_, state) {
state.extra != null &&
state.extra is CoffeeDetailsScreenArgs,
'extra of coffee_details_screen route should have a type of'
' CoffeeDetailsScreenArgs,'
' but instead got ${state.extra.runtimeType}',
return MaterialPage(
child: CoffeeDetailsScreen(
args: state.extra as CoffeeDetailsScreenArgs,
// ... another nested route
, then the page builder of menu_screen
's route is called and the assertion passes with no errorsmenu_screen
and call this code, then the coffee_details_screen
is successfully pushed, but the pageBuilder
of both menu_screen
and coffee_details_screen
are invoked: CoffeeDetailsScreen.routeName,
extra: CoffeeDetailsScreenArgs(productId: product.id),
, and I open flutter devtools and press on select widget, and I also put breakpoints on the 'pageBuilder's of menu_screen
and coffee_details_screen
, then I notice that they are both called, but when menu_screen
builder is called, it is passed wrong args, it is passed the args of coffee_details_screen
which make the assert fail: assert(
state.extra is MenuScreenArgs || state.extra == null,
'extra of menu_screen route should be null or have a type of MenuScreenArgs,'
' but instead got ${state.extra.runtimeType}',
Why is this happening, is it a bug or something wrong in my usage of the router?
Turned out to be a bug in the library itself. So it will be resolved once the maintainer fixes it in the package. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/125900