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Ktor's function `staticResources` is not available on Kotlin native targets

I'm running a simple Ktor server on a Kotlin Native target.

The server should only serve a static html page. I checked the Ktor sample on delivering static content but neither staticResources nor static or staticFiles is available to be imported.

routing {
    staticResources("/static", "assets", index = "my_index.html") 
    // staticResources not found as function

What builds is e.g.:

embeddedServer(CIO, port = 8080) {
    routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hi") // works

I cannot read or see any limitation of Ktor or the CIO engine that relates to this error.


  • Answer

    Please see comments under the original post. staticResource, etc. are only supported on a JVM target.