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A service and a listener defined in a non-default module do not work when the Ballerina program runs

I have a Ballerina package where there is a rest API and a listener defined in another module in the package. The package structure and the Ballerina code are as follows.

restapi % tree     
├── Ballerina.toml
├── main.bal
└── modules
    └── mod
        └── mod.bal


org = "testorg"
name = "restapi"
version = "0.1.0"
distribution = "2201.8.2"

observabilityIncluded = true


import ballerina/io;

public function main() {
    io:println("Hello, World!");


import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/io;

listener http:Listener httpListener = new (8080);

string welcomeMessage = "Welcome!";

function init() returns error? {

service / on httpListener {
    resource function get greeting() returns string {
        return "Hello, World!";

When I run the above package using bal run, it runs and stops giving the following output. It seems the service does not work and it does not respond to the requests.

restapi % bal run
Compiling source

Running executable

Hello, World!

What should be done to make the service work?


  • We need to import the non-default module from the default module of the package to run the above service. To initialize a non-default module (run the init function and handle the listeners), the non-default module needs to be imported by the default module of a Ballerina package. Since we are not using it for any other purpose in the default module other than that, we can import it using the import prefix _.

    Hence, the main.bal file needs to be edited as follows.

    import ballerina/io;
    import restapi.mod as _;
    public function main() {
        io:println("Hello, World!");

    It will now run the service and give the output.

    restapi % bal run
    Compiling source
    Running executable
    Hello, World!