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Pending bot reply from a slash command pycord

I have a bot, and I want to type the command /chat and then have the bot create a thread and respond to the command there. I did that successfully, but the problem is that the message "bot is thinking" keeps pending even after bot completed everything I asked.

So I was wondering, how can I dismiss this pending in the code?

My code:

import discord
from tools.config import TOKEN
from tools.gpt_helper.gpt_custom_classes import generate_response
from discord.ext import commands
bot = discord.Bot()

async def on_ready():
    print(f"{bot.user} is ready and online!")

@bot.slash_command(name="chat", description="some desc")
async def chat(ctx, msg):
    channel = bot.get_channel(MY_CHANNEL_ID)
    await ctx.response.defer(ephemeral=True)
    resp = await generate_response(prompt=msg)
    thread = await channel.create_thread(name="wop", type=None)
    await thread.send(resp)

I am using g4f python module here to interact with chat gpt, it generates the answer to user response (variable "msg" in chat() function) with the line resp = await generate_response(prompt=msg) . And then I create a thread and respond there:

thread = await channel.create_thread(name="wop", type=None)
await thread.send(resp)

Here a picture of pending bot reply

enter image description here


  • The problem is the way you're responding:

        await ctx.response.defer(ephemeral=True)

    I'll assume that the thread creation is 100% correct and won't cover that here. Deferring the thread (see here):

    Defers the interaction response.

    This is typically used when the interaction is acknowledged and a secondary action will be done later.

    You don't have a secondary action, so the interaction stays in the "deferred" state. So, you should do:

    await ctx.respond('insert message here')

    This responds with that message in the same channel and cancels the deferred state.