I have a simple Chrome extension that analyzes the page using ChatGPT and creates Google Calendar invite. The full source is here but here's the core of the code which reads the current page's text when clicked:
"manifest_version": 3,
"name": "Chrome AI",
"version": "0.0.1",
"action": {
"default_popup": "index.html",
"default_icon": "chrome_ai.png"
"permissions": [
"host_permissions": ["<all_urls>"]
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chrome AI</title>
<script src="vendors/jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script defer src="index.js"></script>
<button id="gcal">Create Google Calendar Invite</button>
<code id="logs"></code>
$('#gcal').on('click', executeInTab(() => document.body.innerText).then(text => $('#logs').append(text)))
executeInTab = (f) => chrome.tabs.query({active: true, lastFocusedWindow: true})
.then(([tab]) => chrome.scripting.executeScript({target: {tabId: tab.id}, function: f}))
.then(([{ result }]) => result)
But, as you can see this requires me to download and check in jquery
under vendors/jquery-3.7.1.min.js
. Since it is a bad practice to check in library dependencies to your repo (same reason you don't checkin your node_modules
), I prefer to simply use a CDN like jsdelivr
to host my libraries. But, when I try to add <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.6.4/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
I get following error:
Before someone closes this question as a duplicate, here is why other answers don't work:
In order to improve security, Chrome has removed support for CDNs in extensions with Manifest V3, or any other way of using remotely hosted JavaScript.
They have a few solutions they recommend instead:
. You can still load data remotely at runtime:
target: {tabId: tab.id},
files: ['jquery.min.js']
<script src="./jquery.min.js"></script>