i got a geoDataFrame of zid which intersect, but, when i test on-by-one, they don't intersect. Why?
I try solution from answer1 and 2, but the result the same.
zones 514, 519 have common border
admzones = admzones[['zid', 'geometry']]
together = geopandas.sjoin(admzones, admzones.set_index('zid'))
together.loc[together.zid != together.index_right]
# zid|geometry|index_right
# 519|POLIGON()|514
geo1 = admzones[admzones['zid']==519]
geo2 = admzones[admzones['zid']==514]
geo1['interssects'] = geo1.intersects(geo2)
geo1['intersection'] = geo1.intersection(geo2)
You don't share an example but IIUC, you need to turn off the index-alignment (align=False
geo_519 = admzones.loc[admzones["zid"]==519]
geo_514 = admzones.loc[admzones["zid"]==514]
geo_519.intersects(geo_514, align=False).any() # True
geo_519.intersection(geo_514, align=False).astype(bool).any() # True
admzones = admzones[["zid", "geometry"]]
together = admzones.sjoin(admzones.set_index("zid"))
print(together.loc[together["zid"] != together["index_right"]])
# zid geometry index_right
# 0 514 POLYGON ((0.40000 0.10000, 0.75000 1.00000, 1.... 519
# 1 519 POLYGON ((0.60000 0.50000, 0.59904 0.48040, 0.... 514
Your code is most likely showing a UserWarning
such :
: The indices of the two GeoSeries are different.
From the intersects
and intersection
docs :
Used input :
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
admzones = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
{"zid": [514, 519], "geometry":
[Polygon([(0.4, 0.1), (0.75, 1), (1.5, 0.3)]),
Point(0.4, 0.5).buffer(0.2)]})