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Python-telegram-bot Inline keyboard disappear and reappear after action

I want to click a button on the inline keyboard, send a dice to the user, make the keyboard disappear so that the user can't mess with it while the dice is rolling and after the dice rolled I want to make it appear again. the code that I'm using to make the dice roll is when the user clicks on Roll dice it does:

value = await update.callback_query.message.reply_dice(update.effective_message.chat_id, emoji= '🏀')
dice_value = valore.dice.value

and the keyboard looks like this:

 keyboard_basketDemo = [
            InlineKeyboardButton("⚙ Bet Settings 🍕", callback_data="SettingsDemoBet"),
            InlineKeyboardButton("Throw ball", callback_data="basketDemo"),

How can I be sure that the keyboard disappears and after the actions is complete it appears the same keyboard as before so that the user can then choose what he wants to do?


  • I used the

    await update.callback_query.edit_message_reply_markup()
    await update.callback_query.message.edit_text("My cards")

    to respectively hide the inline keyboard and change the header text. Then to create a new one I used await update.callback_query.message.reply_text("Choose an option: ", reply_markup=reply_markup) with the reply markup being a new keyboard created within the function