In the Microsoft Azure portal, is there a way to see request URLs along with the TLS version negotiated?
I have a web app that includes an API that used by several third parties. I would like to set the minimum TLS version to TLS 1.2 in my web app settings.
Before I update the minimum TLS version, I want to see what requests are being made using old TLS versions.
I know with my storage account I also have, I can include logs in the log analytics to detect TLS versions, so I was hoping there was something similar I could use for my web app.
So far, all I can find for my web app is the Minimum TLS Version Checker under Diagnose & Solve Problems. This isn't very helpful since it only gives me the number of requests with no further detail. Surely the detail has to be available somewhere? I am not an expert in the Azure portal, so I am hoping there is an easy way to find the request URL + TLS version.
We can check TLS version with the incoming requests either in Application Insights
or by using Diagnostic Setting
Using Application Insights:
I know with my storage account I also have, I can include logs in the log analytics to detect TLS versions
Another option is from Diagnostic Setting
Log Analytics Workspace
, same way you can send the WebApp logs to the selected workspace.Update:
The TLS Version which is set in the Configuration section can be seen in
KUDU Console
=> Environment
=> HTTP headers
and Server variables
string ?tlsVersion= HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-TlsVersion"];
_logger.LogInformation($"TLS : {tlsVersion}" );