I have a MySQL database table of ipv4 addresses I want to search against, I pull it in to a Python using an SQL query (PyMySQL library) with a single column in the SELECT and cursor.fetchall() but when I loop through the resulting tuple.
with conn.cursor() as cur:
sqlQuery = 'SELECT ipv4_address FROM bad_ips WHERE IS NOT NULL'
bad_ips = cur.fetchall()
When I loop through it, it appears to return a tuple of tuples, show this sort of thing:
('',) ('',)
I want it to return just the IP addresses as expected like this:
'' ''
That way I can look up an IP using:
if str(this_ip_address) in bad_ips:
You can unwrap the first element of the tuples into a list doing something like this:
bad_ip_list = [x[0] for x in bad_ips]
and then iterate through the bad_ip_list.