I search for a long time how I can define permitted logon hours on group like it is possible to do with user from the account tab in Active Directory.
I already have a class in c# that can make queries to returns a list of all permitted hours of a user with the help 'logonhours' properties.
public byte[] GetLogonHours(string userName, string password, string path)
DirectoryEntry entry = this.GetUserAccount(userName, path);
return (byte[])entry.Properties["logonHours"].Value;
public DirectoryEntry GetUserAccount(string username, string path)
using (DirectoryEntry objRootEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path))
using (DirectorySearcher objAdSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(objRootEntry))
objAdSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(samAccountName=" + username + "))";
SearchResult objResult = objAdSearcher.FindOne();
if (objResult != null)
return objResult.GetDirectoryEntry();
return null;
I used this post to help me understanding how I can query the logon hours:
It is important to understand that I don't want a feature to know when the last time a user has been logged. What I have is a feature that prevent a user logging at some moments.
What I want is a feature that can apply logon hours for a group of users and I can query the Active Directory with c# to get these logon hours information.
Thank you very much.
In my understanding logon hours information is a user information. As discribed in HOW TO: Limit User Logon Time in a Domain in Windows Server 2003 pointed by @Knite you can change it :
In your case you can loop for all the members of a group and change their logon hours.