I want to track the state of several buttons without having a tracker variable and function for each.
So I want to pass a parameter through to a computed property, something like this:
<div class="grid grid-cols-5 text-sm my-3">
<div @click="toggleShow('weapon')" :class="showStyle('weapon')">Weapon</div>
<div @click="toggleShow('armor')" :class="showStyle('armor')">Armor</div>
<div @click="toggleShow('ring')" :class="showStyle('ring')">Ring</div>
<div @click="toggleShow('amulet')" :class="showStyle('amulet')">Amulet</div>
<div @click="toggleShow('horse')" :class="showStyle('horse')">Horse</div>
However, neither of these two approaches is working:
const showStyle = (category: string) =>
computed(() => {
if (show.value.get(category)) {
return "bg-green-700";
} else {
return "bg-red-700";
// I am not redeclaring in my real code, this is just in the same block for demonstration
// gives error $setup.showStyle is not a function
const showStyle = computed((category) => {
if (show.value.get(category)) {
return "bg-green-700";
} else {
return "bg-red-700";
I'm using a Map to track each flag:
const show = ref(new Map());
show.value.set("weapon", true);
show.value.set("armor", true);
show.value.set("ring", true);
show.value.set("amulet", true);
show.value.set("horse", true);
show.value.set("potion", false);
And the toggle function appears to be working at swapping the values:
function toggleShow(category: string) {
show.value.set(category, !show.value.get(category));
What I want to avoid is having a separate computed()
value for each category and rather pass in the parameter.
Is this possible? How?
You could parameterize the computed property by return a function from it like:
const showStyle = computed(()=> (category) => {
if (show.value.get(category)) {
return "bg-green-700";
} else {
return "bg-red-700";
This works fine but it doesn't have extra benefits than a standard function :
const showStyle = (category) => {
if (show.value.get(category)) {
return "bg-green-700";
} else {
return "bg-red-700";
You could check this answer from Estus Flask to get more explanation.