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Extract 95% confidence interval values from kaplan meier model

After computing a kaplan meier model I get the km_fit list below. How can I extract 95% confidence interval values now?

# Plot Kaplan-Meier curves
sg1_survival <- Surv(
  time = sg1$`Time from breast cancer diagnosis to bone metastasis (months) (NA = unknown)`,
  event = sg1$`status (=1 as all pts have bone metastasis and BC)`

km_fit <- survfit(sg1_survival ~ sg1$`Molecular type (0=hr+her2+, 1=hr+her2-, 2=hr-her2+, 3=TNBC)`, data = sg1)

# Calculate 95% confidence intervals? fails with "no applicable method"
ci <- confint(km_fit, level = 0.95)


  • It's all in km_fit.

    km_fit <- survfit(sg1_survival ~ sg1$`Molecular type (0=hr+her2+, 1=hr+her2-, 2=hr-her2+, 3=TNBC)`, data = sg1)
    c <- data.frame(km_fit$time, km_fit$lower, km_fit$upper) 
     sum.time  sum.lower sum.upper
    1  28.37260 0.29950713         1
    2  34.15890 0.06727839         1
    3 137.32603         NA        NA
    4  14.00548 0.12504883         1
    5  75.02466         NA        NA