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How to deserialize java duration in c#?

Assuming that I got a duration from Java: "PT-328H-46M-43.2082074S". How to deserialize it to NodaTime Duration in system.text.json?


  • That's the format that Noda Time usually uses for periods rather than durations. Unfortunately the presence of multiple signs within the value means you can't parse it using DurationPattern - but PeriodPattern.NormalizingIso appears to work okay:

    using NodaTime.Text;
    var pattern = PeriodPattern.NormalizingIso;
    var result = pattern.Parse("PT-328H-46M-43.2082074S");
    var period = result.Value;
    var duration = period.ToDuration();

    To use that within System.Text.Json, you'd need to specify the right period pattern... and then potentially sort of "trampoline" from the period to the duration. Here's a complete example:


    using NodaTime;
    using NodaTime.Serialization.SystemTextJson;
    using NodaTime.Text;
    using System.Text.Json;
    string json = """
      "name": "Jon",
      "duration": "PT-328H-46M-43.2082074S"
    var settings = new NodaJsonSettings
        PeriodConverter = new NodaPatternConverter<Period>(PeriodPattern.NormalizingIso)
    var options = new JsonSerializerOptions().ConfigureForNodaTime(settings);
    var model = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Model>(json, options);


    using NodaTime;
    using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
    public class Model
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public Period Period
            // TODO: A getter, if you want to be able to serialize back.
            // That's a little more work as there isn't a Duration.ToPeriod conversion.
            set => Duration = value.ToDuration();
        public Duration Duration { get; set; }