Here is the sample request and response along with the code used in Dataweave 1
"employees": [
"eId": "1",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuid": null
"eId": "2",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuid": "abcd"
Expected response is :
"results": [
"eid": "1",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuid": null,
"uuid": "abcd"
"eid": "2",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuidDetails": "abcd"
In Mule 3 this is achieved with this code :
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
results: (flatten (payload.employees map (value1,index) ->{
"eid" : value1.eId,
("uuidDetails": (value1.uuid) when (value1.uuid != null)
otherwise (payload[0].uuid)
In Mule 3 there is some amount of majic happening here:
("uuidDetails": (value1.uuid) when (value1.uuid != null) otherwise (payload[0].uuid) ) #1 if we do not enclose within () then the response for this section is :
"uuidDetails": [
#2 otherwise
is behaving completely differently when its condition is satisfied , it generates an o/p without the key 'uuidDetails' and also neither an an object nor as an array
"uuid": null,
"uuid": "abcd"
I am struggling to achieve this in Mule 4 , was trying out a few things but no luck .... Mule 4 code that is not producing desired o/p:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
(flatten((payload."employees" map (value1, index) -> {
eid: value1.eId,
uuidDetails: value1.uuid
)if ((not value1.uuid == null)) ,
uuidDetails: payload.employees flatMap ((item, index) -> item.uuid)
)if (value1.uuid == null) ,
The behavior in Mule 3 seems weird. In Mule 4/DataWeave 2 I needed to be more explicit to achieve the same result. Instead of cramming everything in one expression I used separated expressions for the null and not null cases. Having less 'magic' expressions makes the intention more clearer reading the script.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload."employees" map (value1, index) -> ({
eid: value1.eId,
(uuidDetails: value1.uuid) if (not value1.uuid is Null)
++ if (value1.uuid is Null)
{(payload.employees map ((item, index) -> uuid: item.uuid)) }
else {}
If value1.uuid
is not null I use its value. If it is not null I create a separate object with all the key-values from the uuid
in each element of payload.employees and then I concatenate it into the main object.
Note that your script has unneeded parentheses and uses flatten() and flatMap() but there is no need for them.