I'm creating a minimal API using Swagger and C#. I can't really understand how i define the header parameters. Something like [SwaggerHeaderParameter("apikey", "description...")] or similar. I have searched everywhere but can't seem to find a (what seems to me) a relatively simple solution for this. Can someone help me?
Example code:
using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore;
[SwaggerResponse(200, "Success")]
[SwaggerResponse(400, "Bad request")]
async Task<IResult> (HttpRequest request, ILogger<Program> log, CancellationToken ct) =>
var result = await request.ReadFromJsonAsync<MyClass[]>(request.HttpContext.RequestAborted);
// [Required] Unique api key for this specific combination of supplierID and Stocknumber.
var apikey = request.Headers["apikey"].ToString();
return Results.Ok(successList);
.Accepts<MyClass[]>(false, "application/json")
.Produces<string[]>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, "text/plain")
*Edit with the help of @Guru Stron
My call is now:
[SwaggerResponse(200, "Success")]
[SwaggerResponse(400, "Bad request")]
async Task<IResult> (HttpRequest request, [FromHeader] string apikey, ILogger<Program> log, CancellationToken ct) =>
You can try binding parameter from header:
app.MapGet("/testHeader", ([FromHeader] string apikey) => "Hello World!");