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How do I group these objects into those that can be linked to each other?

I have a list of items and matches that have been found, like this.

item matches
apple tree;window
box microscope
chimney dish;fence
microscope box;headphones
window chimney;apple

I want to put them into groups, where every object that can be 'reached' by another object is in the same group as that object. So for example, apple is in the same group as fence because, in the 'matches' column, we can go apple -> window -> chimney -> fence.

However, apple is not in the same group as microscope because there is no path between the two. They don't list each other in the 'matches' column, and none of those items list the other item in its 'matches' column, and so on.

item matches group
apple tree;window 1
box microscope 2
chimney dish;fence 1
dish 1
fence 1
headphones 2
microscope box;headphones 2
painting 3
window chimney;apple 1

^This is what the third column, group, should look like. Is there a way I can do this with a LAMBDA function, preferably without addins?

Something like TEXTJOIN will not work, as despite a 'path' existing, no string match will connect 'apple' and 'chimney' because a match doesn't exist.



  • Give this a try:


    enter image description here